Friday, December 24, 2010

Commander Shepard

Mass Effect is definitely one of the greatest video games ever created. It might be one of the greatest things ever created. It is intense enough to even rival the world of Star Wars. I think it's better. On one hand you have someone like Commander Shepard, who is the dude of all dudes. This guy is the man. He was sucked into the sub zero vacuum of space and he is brought back to life? Thats fuckin' awesome. Then take a look at a character like Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader, Commander Shepard would whoop his ass!! Shepard would whoop anyone's ass, he is the man. Master Chief, Sephiroth, Could, Auron, Nicko Bellic, any vault dwelling courier. It don't matter, Shepard is by far the most badass and the most awesome video game character of all time.

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